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searchOpenBO = false; brnhmbx_top_search_container.css( 'display', 'none' ); searchOpenBO = false; brnhmbx_top_search_container.css( 'display', 'none' ); } ); /* */ /* Zoom */ var intZF; var zBO = false; if ( $( '#zBo' ).text() == 'zoom-true' ) { zBO = true; } $( '.brnhmbx-owl-nav-button, #p-thumb .owl-item' ).click( function() { clearInterval( intZF ); intZF = setInterval( zoomTrueAgain, 500 ); zBO = false; } ); function zoomTrueAgain() { clearInterval( intZF ); zBO = true; } var inGallery = false; $( "body" ).mousemove( function( event ) { /* */ if ( cartOpenBO ) { if ( event.pageX >= brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.position().left - 30 || event.pageX < brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.position().left - 70 - 268 || event.pageY >= brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.position().top + brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.height() + 70 || event.pageY < brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.position().top - 40 ) { brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.css( 'display', 'none' ); cartOpenBO = false; } } else { brnhmbx_cart_widget_container.css( 'display', 'none' ); 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/* */ /* Hover group add to cart button */ var intATC; var intAdded; $( '.brnhmbx-hover-group .add_to_cart_button, .brnhmbx-hover-group-list .add_to_cart_button' ).click( function() { $( this ).css( 'cursor', 'none' ); $( this ).find( 'i.fa-plus' ).hide(); $( this ).find( 'i.fa-check' ).hide(); $( this ).find( 'i.fa-ban' ).show(); var cart_qty = $( 'a.brnhmbx-cart-button.brnhmbx-kuf .qty-wrapper' ).text(); $( 'a.brnhmbx-cart-button .qty-wrapper' ).html( Number( cart_qty ) + 1 ); clearInterval( intATC ); clearInterval( intAdded ); intATC = setInterval( checkHoverATC, 1 ); intAdded = setInterval( clearHoverATC, 4000 ); } ); function clearHoverATC() { clearInterval( intATC ); clearInterval( intAdded ); } function checkHoverATC() { $( '.brnhmbx-hover-group button.add_to_cart_button, .brnhmbx-hover-group-list button.add_to_cart_button' ).each( function( i, obj ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'added' ) ) { $( this ).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' ); $( this ).find( 'i.fa-check' ).show(); $( this ).find( 'i.fa-ban' ).hide(); 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